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William Alfred Gibbs (1903-1973)

aka Uncle Bill

Parents William Arthur Gibbs Florie Kitchener
Siblings Ethel Dotty Harold Vera
Partners Margaret
Children Adopted Hilda Adopted Phyll

Bill in the factory workshop

Every year Bill & Mag would visit Phyll and Eric at Easter. Every lunch time Bill would go to the pub. He was very much a ‘mans’ man’ and always made an impression wherever he went, so much so that after a couple of days at a pub he had never been to before he would return a year later to be greeted like a long lost friend. He wasn’t a heavy drinker but he was a daily one always having a Scotch and a Mackeson.

Uncle Bill & Aunt Mag on their annual holiday to St Leonards near Hasting – 1957

He worked at Apsley Mills for his entire working life. At one point he invented a piece of machinery that save the company tens of thousands of pounds… he got a certificate and a clock! When he retired they gave him a ‘gold’ watch. He died five years to the day after retiring on the day after his 70th Birthday.

It seems they didn’t go to St Leonards EVERY year after all…

Uncle Bill showing his good nature…

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