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How we are known…

Most people are not known by others by their ‘formal’ given name. Indeed some people have NEVER been called by the name they were given at birth or religious christening.

Entries below are roughly chronological:

Name on this site Formal Given Names Commonly Called Name Other Family Nicknames
 Blanche Blanche Patricia Kit (By Bert) Babushka by Russian Nanny, ‘Bibbles’ by family, ‘Millie’ by Bo (short for mother-in-law)

Oddly ‘Blanche’ was never known by her ‘real’ name by ANYONE. Even odder her mother was also christened ‘Blanche’ but was always know by her second name ‘Grace’.

Name on this site Formal Given Names Commonly Called Name Other Family Nicknames Nom-de-plumes
 Bo Richard Allen ‘Bo’ ‘Bo-bee’ (Matt & Julia) Writing as:  ‘bo beolens‘, ‘grumpy old birder‘, ‘fatbirder
Name on this site Formal Given Names Commonly Called Name
 Anne Marion Catherine Anne
Name on this site Birth Names Name After Adoption Stage Name
 Robb Terrence Ryan Robert Jon Eccles Robb Shenton
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