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Isaac Walton author of The Complete Angler wrote centuries ago, words to the effect that a day spent fishing is a day added to your life. Many (male) members of the family agree!

Eric, Bo, Ash and Owen & Toby, Bertie & Paul (Bass) all took to fishing as boys. Most men either fish all their lives or return to it in the ‘third age’.

Dad & Me (bo) on his last day’s fishing in England (and maybe ever)

I remember dad telling me that when he was in the army (either during WW2 or when he was part of the force occupying Germany) he had kept a fishing rod in his Bren gun carrier. He used it occasionally to supplement their rations. The rod was eventually lost on a lake there which he had seen alive with large basking carp. He had woken early and slipped away to fish in a small lily-filled lake. He set up his gear and sat on the bank and dozed until woken by a rustle as the rod slipped down the bank and was hauled away by one of the huge carp that had taken his bait.

Fishing can be relaxation, competition or salvation, for me it has been all three.

Articles under this topic:

My First Fish
Night Fishing
Pike Fishing
Bird’s Nests
Fishing With Dad

Toby & Owen fishing the Grand Union canal with their cousin Dylan.

I wasn’t fishing but birdwatching January 2014 when I cam across this guy… oddest angler I’ve ever encountered so took some snaps 🙂

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