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Blanche Grace Roche (1899-1969)

Blanche holding granddaughter Louise

Parents Robert Penn Roach (Roche) (b.1872) Blanche G Martini (1876-1919)
Siblings Lillian B Moore née Roach (Roche) (1898-1957) Robert ‘Bob’ E J Roach (Roche) (1902-1978) Ellen G Roach (Roche) (1910-2001) James ‘Jim’ R Roach (Roche) (1912-1987)
Partners Alfred James Greathead (m. 1928)
Children Blanche Particia (Terry) Thelma Grace

During the 1901 census Blanche and older sister Lilian with her parents was staying at 57,West Ferry Road Poplar with EH & GB Martini (Presumably her parents).

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