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Albert Jasper Greathead (1918-1997)

Parents Lily Coombs George Alfred Greathead
Siblings George Alfred Greathead (1912-1916), Walter Joseph Greathead (1913-1916) May Elizabeth Louise Greathead (1915-2007), Albert Jasper Greathead (1918-1997) Ronald Greathead (1920-1992), Joyce M Greathead+  (1922-1990) Alfred Douglas Greathead (1925-1999)
Partners Iris Lily Clark  (1920-1993)
Children Ann Patricia Greathead, John David Greathead  Irene Susan Greathead, Iris Lily Greathead June Marion Greathead

Albert Jasper Greathead was born on 16 February 1918 in West Ham, London, England. He was the son of George Alfred Greathead and Lily Coombs. On 29 September 1939 in the National Register Albert Jasper Greathead was listed as living at 24 Ravenscroft Road, West Ham, London, England with his parents and four siblings Albert was a shorthand typist and book-keeper. He was a tally clerk in the Royal Docks and the Army.

He married to Iris Lily Clark in 1940 in West Ham, London. Albert died on 6 July 1997 in 309 Daiglen Drive, South Ockenden, Essex, England, aged 79. Administration papers were issued with a will on 13 August 1997 in London. His effects were described as not exceeding £180,000

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